400 Years and Counting
The thing about saying you think a race war is coming or this group or that group wants to start a race war is the sheer ignorance of people not knowing there has been a race war in this country for four hundred years already and if you are not white you already know it and have been fighting it all your life because you don’t find any other choice. The comfortable white folks like me talking about a race war are admitting to a blindness that should be impossible to comprehend except that for us it is just everyday. We long ago learned not to see the effect of our ideas of our superiority on our own minds. We can stare at a lynched body and see justice and hold a community picnic at its feet. We can watch a white policeman kneel on the neck of a black man and see a thug being brought to discipline by the rule of law. For us justice is us. Along with anyone we can co-opt to act like us, to believe us, to join us. Justice is whatever we need it to be in order to maintain a system in which we are always the cream that rises to the top. The great peace we imagine we are about to interrupt in order to fight a war among the races is a peace only we were ever meant to enjoy. What we are really seeing is that finally, after all these centuries, we white people are losing the race war and we are going to have to kill a lot of folks in order to turn the tide. Only we are not so sure we can win even then. Because the tide has already turned. Because remember that blindness. We still have it. We still can’t see the real world. So many enemies out there now. Turns out there are just too many. Somebody has been whispering in our ear about us and we are confused about what’s true and what’s not. Crazy what kind of savior you can believe in when you can’t really believe anything you see or hear or read or what you learned in books or school or what your preacher tells you. Just crazy.